Sunday, January 19, 2014

Nepali MRP Passport Blues

I have finished my college and loitering around when this idea of going to foreign and earning money came to my mind so I went to make a passport.This was my experience.

Day 1



10:00 am
 Went to bus park to go to my hometown,to get "zilla ko sifarish".

11:00 am
Reached my home town.

11:20 am
Went to CDO office to submit form.I was told there would be shops around where they'll fill up my form and so there was.
I went to a small passport form filling shop,it was run by a local boy,and shop consisted of a laptop ,scanner and photocopier.

11.30 am
He said I needed a special MRP photo for MRP so he called one of his friend ,I went to other room which was a studio,and there I sat for a photo.The photo came out instantly,What the F!$# ,I looked funny,with my head like that of alien and my ear sticking out.then I sat beside the MRP filler guy.He asked for my Nagrikta and started to fill up the form in computer,from time to time he asked some minor questions ,it was over in 10 mins.

12:00 am
Then he printed the form,it was 3 in number,then he asked me to check the details in the form and check for some error there was none so,he asked me to sign in the form,put lyapche and stuck my 3 funny looking photo in the form.

12:30 pm

Then came the instruction part,he asked me to go to the office and submit form in Room no 3 then go to 6 and again to 3 to pick up the form.Before going he requested me to pay Rs.250 for filling the form and Rs 200 for taking photo,which I gave him.

12:40 pm
 Then I went to CDO office where there was group of people standing in front of a room submitting some form so I went there and yes it was there,how easy it was I thought until,people there said I can submit form now and have to come after 1 hour to have my form signed.
So I headed off to nearest tea shop,bought a cigarette and ordered tea.

2:00 pm
 After loitering around uselessly for an hour I came back to room no 3 to pick my form .Number of people had doubled and still no sign of my form,It was cold and people were complaining,grumbling and cursing about incompetence of Sarkari Karmachari(SK).The SK was relaxed he said there was glitch in the software of Kompooter so we have to wait for another half an hour.

3:00 pm
After a long time finally my name was called and  there it was,the form the SK told me to go to room no 6 .There were 3 SK,one looked like he will sleep at any moment and another was talking in his phone,another one looked tired.I submitted form to mobile man he looked at it,looked here and there and talked in his mobile.Finally he signed my form.looked at my form and blurted,"abo parrrrastra ma jaane".I asked the peon nearby where to go now,he said"pararastra mantralya ma kya,Durbar va thau ma",I nodded there were other applicant filling in so I went out.

3:30 pm
I returned to Kathmandu.

Day 2
My relatives and friend have told me to go early to" Pararastra" but I ignored them saying Sarkari office will open at 10:00 why to go early. Those line at "pararastra" are for taking passport not submitting form.

10:00 am
 Reached " Pararastra" and there were people all around the gate.I went straight to gate and asked the police dai to let me in to submit my form.He asked me if I had a number,Number?? what number,other were going in showing number in their form.Aha a token number then it must be fast I thought.I asked again how to get a number this police dai must have taken a "maun brat" he didn't answer.I asked him again,and this time he said number is given from 6 to 6:30 am int he morning and I have to come tomorrow again.

10:15 am
I returned home.Got good scolding from my father for not knowing the Sarkari rules I said How should i know.So.I vowed to go to "pararastra" at 5:00 am tomorrow.

Day 3

4:00 am
Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....What the F!$H,my alarm was off.
I got up looked outside the was like 12 midnight outside and cold.I said to myself who will go to  "pararastra" at this time?It was cold and dark beside I have to pass through dark gullies and with my pocket full with 10 thousand notes,I was little scared,then I thought of my father,and got out of bed.

4:15 am
I wore a woolen cap,double socks,my sweater and leather jacket,then I was off.
There was not a soul in the road outside.The gully looked dark and only stray dog roamed.I started walking towards the main road.I came to the main road it was dark to even darker.what the F!$# no street light in the capital city.

4:45 am
Around  "pararastra" there were some people here and there but I couldn't see any line.I went towards the "pararastra" and still no sign of line,as I entered the gate ,lo and behold 'there were already hundreds of people inside .There was hustle and bustle,i asked one fellow if this line is for MRP form submisson,he said yes,so I joined the line.In minutes there were more than 50 people behind me,I praised myself for being early.From the line I estimated there were 3 to 400 people in front of me.The line was Longer than the intestine of dinosaur,it was round and round and round.There was pushing and shouting,pushing and cursing.Everyone was asking what are the document needed,no of form needed and what not.The tea seller came to rescue them giving them information about form and also tea.Some were busily cursing Nepal Sarkar .The line was long and police dai came from time to time shouting to straighten up the line.There were people from every corner of Nepal,there was Mohan Kumar Shah from Bara and there was Pasang Sherpa from Solu.One thing I noticed was that almost all of the people there were below age of 30. Women had a separate line.
The gate didn't opened and the line was growing longer,it was crowded,I myself felt like a sheep being herded.There was hundreds of people crammed in small place and that smell of piss.Suddenly,there was commotion at the back and people shouting,a guy had fainted at the back.police dai came rushing in and helped him to nearby bench.The crowd was getting restless and impatient.

6:00 am

Finally gate opened and line started to move,there was roar of excitement at the back.I moved round and round and round and round until finally I reached the gate of "pararastra" .There I had to show my form and as soon as police dai checked me,I had to run forward to catch the guy in front.but what the F!$# ,3 guys from behind overtook me in the 50 meter dash,F!$#. Now again I sat in line to get my token number.The line moved slowly ,it was cold and still dark.

Finally,number was being distributed and I was relieved.The line moved quite fast now and after waiting my turn came and the number guy punched the token number in my form,ehat the F!$# 658,I mean 658!,then I reassured myself,since there were 300 people behind me anyway.So,now we patiently waited in the  "pararastra" compound for next level.Police dai again arranged our line like dinosaur large intestine,round and round.
It was already dawn and cold.My legs were hurting bad. I  just chatted with a guy behind,he was from Chitwan,and had come for replacing old passport,he mostly talked about his life of being a security guard in Qatar.

The line finally started moving again round and round.Now our passport form was being checked for any error in the form or photo.After a long wait my turn came and the same token number dai checked our form.He took 3sec to look at my form and it was finish.I was relieved ,The madhesi brother behind me was not lucky,he was asked to change his MRP photo.

9:00 am 
My belly was grumbling,they  told me the final form submission process will begin at  10:00,so I went to "pararastra" canteen ,ordered chow min,Chowmin was thick and oily,I asked for chilli sauce,and ate it.Sat in the sun in "pararastra" compound and waited.

10:15 am
Finally the form submisson process started and we were again ordered to sit in line according to token number.Police dai came and ordered people from number 1 to 250 to sit in the chair marked with number.I thought,finaly this will be over.After a long wait the "karmacharis" came and the form submitting  began.

10:50 am
In line waiting,police dai herding us.

10:50 am
In line waiting,police dai herding us,round,round,round and round.

10:50 am
In line waiting,police dai herding us,round,round,sit,move,move,move,sit.It was like playing musical chair.

11:50 am
In line waiting,police dai herding us,round,round,sit,move,move,move,sit.What the F!$#.

 12:30 am
In line waiting,police dai herding us,round,round,sit,move,move,move,sit.What the F!$#.My turn is coming finally.What if the "karmachari" inside rejected my form,Iwas worried.

12:40 am
Finally!, Finally!I reached near the door of form submisson room.Then this ""karmachari" goes out,I was like What the F!$#,there are only 4 guys in front of me and this "karmachari" goes out where.Where the F!$# is he going while we are waiting and waiting.

12:50 am
"karmachari"  arrives, line starts moving,yes! finally.

12:55 am
I finally reach inside the office,I submit my form to him he ask me my address,looks at me and my form and ask me to pay the cash.I got to the cash girl beside the "karmachari"handover 10 thousand recieve my reciept and move out of the office.

1:00 am
 What!,is it over really,finally ,Oh my goat;What the F!$# finished in 5 minutes,they ask me to come after 10 days.

1:05 am
Wondering why the F!$# did they put me standing in line for 9 hrs,for 5 minutes job,I headed home.walking. 

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